Monday 8 September 2008

The McHaffie’s in Census reports

The McHaffie’s in Census reports - My great grandmothers family

1901 Census shows Philip McHaffie and family living at 9 Barrack Street, Hamilton.
The Murray family were living at No. 7 Barrack Street in 1901 – James Murray married Margaret McHaffie in 1892. Their families ended up being neighbours some 9 years later.
Philip age 58, born ca 1843 in Ireland
Delborah age 53, born ca 1848
John age 27 born ca 1874, Coal miner
Mary age 25 born ca 1876, Shopkeeper
James age 23 born ca 1878, Coal miner
Sarah age 20 born ca 1881

1891 Census shows Philip McHaffie and family living at 18 Almada Street, Hamilton
Philip McHaffie age 55 born circa 1836 in Ireland - Occupation Labourer
Wife Dely – age 42 born circa 1849 in Ireland
Children, all born in Ireland
Maggie, age 20 born circa 1871
John, age 17 born circa 1874, Coal Miner
Mary, age 13 born circa 1878, Domestic servant
Bessie, age 11 born circa 1880, Domestic servant
James, age 10 born circa 1881, Scholar
Sarah, age 8 born circa 1883, Scholar

In 1901 census Philip shows as being 58 yet in the 1891 he is 55.
Last child born in Ireland in 1883 – They are in Hamiton in 1891 and when Maggie marries James Murray in 1892
Cannot find the family in the Scottish Census of 1881. They would probably still be living in Ireland.

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