Monday 8 September 2008

Robert Murray and wife Isobel

This photo was in amongst photos that Richard Conway had put on a disc.
The middle couple is his parents
The couple on the left are my Dad's brother Robert and his wife Isobel.
Waiting to find out how Richard Conway's parents knew my aunt and uncle.
Possibly through the couple on the end - that they were both friendly with.
The photo might have been taken at a function in respect of Philips factory in Hamilton?
More later............................ when we find out!

The Crawfords - my Great grandmothers family

Found my great great grandparents marriage certificate
1867 Marriage Certificate – 21st June 1867 in the Parkhouse Parish of Carnwath
Robert Crawford age 24 years born circa 1843 – Occupation Farm Servant (Bachelor)
Margaret Muir age 21 years born circa 1846 – Occupation Farm Servant (Spinster)
Parents were Thomas Muir (Miner, deceased) and Jane Bell

1871 Census in Carnwath, Lanark
Robert Crawford age 26 – Labourer – Born Carnwath
Wife Margaret age 25 born Linlithgow
Daughter Jane Brown age 5 years, Son Robert age 1 year, Lodger Thomas Wilson age 18 years
Noticed that a Jane Crawford signed Margaret’s marriage certificate in 1900 when she married David McMillan

1881 Birth Certificate of Margaret Crawford (my great grandmother)
Born 26th April 1881 at Rootpark Parish of Carnwath
Died 1942 aged 61 years in Hamilton. Gros data 647/00 0353
Daugher of Robert Crawford, Railway Porter and Margaret Crawford ms Muir
Marriage date showing as 1867 June 21st at Porterhouse? Carnwath

1915 Death – Margaret Crawford died 23rd June 1915 at 2pm at 14 Lamb Street, Hamilton age 73 years. Cause of death – senile decay, heart failure. Daughter of Thomas Muir, Coal miner and Jane Bell McDonald, previously Muir ms Ross. Both deceased.
Death registered by R Crawford, widower.

The McMillans on the Census

My Great grandfathers family - The McMillans .....

1891 Census – William McMillan and family living at 2 Clyde Row, Blantyre
William McMillan, age 53
Jane McMillan, age 53
John and Jane would be 25 and 22 – probably left home
Catherine McMillan, age 21
William McMillan, age 17
Samuel McMillan, age 15
David McMillan, age 12 (my great grandfather)

1881 Census – William McMillan and family living at Garden Terrace, Blantyre
William McMillan, age 46 – born in Ireland circa 1835
Jane McMillan, age 45 – born in Ireland circa 1836
John McMillan, age 15 – born in Ireland circa 1866
Jane McMillan, age 12 – born in Ireland circa 1869
William and Jane left Ireland between Jane and Catherine being born 1869-1871
Catherine McMillan, age 10 – born in Blantyre, Lanark circa 1871
William McMillan, age 8 – born in Blantyre, Lanark circa 1873
Samuel McMillan, age 6 – born in Blantyre, Lanark circa 1875
David McMillan, age 3 – born in Blantyre, Lanark circa 1878/9 (my great grandfather)

Could not find William and Jane McMillan on the 1871 Census which might mean they arrived in Scotland after the Census was taken/after the birth of Catherine in 1871.

Great grandparents - David Brownlie McMillan and Margaret Muir Crawford

1900 Marriage
David and Margaret were married on 28th December 1900 at Auchentibber, Blantyre
David McMillan, age 22 –residing at Auchentibber, Blantyre. Occupation Coal Miner (Bachelor). Son of William McMillan, Coal Miner and Jane McMillan ms Brown.
Margaret Crawford, age 20 – residing at Auchentibber, Blantyre. Occupation Farm Servant (Spinster). Daughter of Robert Crawford, Carter and Margaret Crawford ms Muir
Witnesses – Jane Crawford and Alexander Smith – in 1871 census there is a Jane Brown daughter of Robert and Margaret Crawford – is this Jane?

1901 Census shows David McMillan and family living at 10 Craig Row, Auchentibber, Blantyre
David McMillan, age 22 – born circa 1879 in Ireland – Occupation Coal Miner
Margaret Crawford McMillan, age 20 – born circa 1881 in Wilsontown, Scotland (see page 21 on the history of Wilsontown).
Mary McMillan (my grandmother) - age 8 months – born 1900 in Auchentibber, Blantyre

Death 1942 - Margaret Muir Crawford (McMillan) died at 0615am on 6th October 1942 aged 61 years at 10 Clyde Avenue, Ferniegair, Hamilton Lanark – this would make her born ca 1881.
Cause of death – Cardio vascular degeneration. Daughter of Robert Crawford, Railway Carter, Deceased and Margaret Crawford ms Muir (deceased). Certificate signed by David McMillan, widower.
Children :-
Mary McMillan (married William Murray)
Duncan McMillan (married Elizabeth)
David McMillan (married Nancy Goodwin)
Margaret McMillan (married James McDougall)
Jean McMillan (married Sommerville)
Thomas McMillan????

The McHaffie’s in Census reports

The McHaffie’s in Census reports - My great grandmothers family

1901 Census shows Philip McHaffie and family living at 9 Barrack Street, Hamilton.
The Murray family were living at No. 7 Barrack Street in 1901 – James Murray married Margaret McHaffie in 1892. Their families ended up being neighbours some 9 years later.
Philip age 58, born ca 1843 in Ireland
Delborah age 53, born ca 1848
John age 27 born ca 1874, Coal miner
Mary age 25 born ca 1876, Shopkeeper
James age 23 born ca 1878, Coal miner
Sarah age 20 born ca 1881

1891 Census shows Philip McHaffie and family living at 18 Almada Street, Hamilton
Philip McHaffie age 55 born circa 1836 in Ireland - Occupation Labourer
Wife Dely – age 42 born circa 1849 in Ireland
Children, all born in Ireland
Maggie, age 20 born circa 1871
John, age 17 born circa 1874, Coal Miner
Mary, age 13 born circa 1878, Domestic servant
Bessie, age 11 born circa 1880, Domestic servant
James, age 10 born circa 1881, Scholar
Sarah, age 8 born circa 1883, Scholar

In 1901 census Philip shows as being 58 yet in the 1891 he is 55.
Last child born in Ireland in 1883 – They are in Hamiton in 1891 and when Maggie marries James Murray in 1892
Cannot find the family in the Scottish Census of 1881. They would probably still be living in Ireland.

Great grandparents - James Murray and Margaret McHaffie parents of William

Great grandparents
James Murray and Margaret McHaffie

1892 Marriage - Married on 31st December 1892 at 18 Almada Street, Hamilton
James Murray, age 26 – Coal Miner (bachelor) residing at 12 Holmes Street, Hamilton.
Son of James Murray, Farm Labourer and Mary Murray ms Bell
Margaret McHaffie, age 21 – residing at 18 Almada Street, Hamilton.
Daughter of Philip McHaffie, Colliery Labourer and Margaret Jane McHaffie ms Humphreys

1901 Census - James Murray and family living at 7 Barrack Street as follows :-
James Murray, age 34 – born circa 1866/7 in Ireland
Margaret Murray, age 30 – born circa 1871 in Ireland
James and Margaret must have arrived in Hamilton prior to getting married there in 1892 – Margaret shows in the 1891 census, age 20 years. Her youngest sibling was born in Ireland in 1883. So her family must have moved to Hamilton area after 1883 and before 1891.
James Murray, age 8 – born circa 1893 in Hamilton
Elizabeth Murray, age 7 – born circa 1894 in Hamilton
Mary Ann Murray, age 5 – born circa 1896 in Hamilton
John Murray, age 2 – born circa 1899 in Hamilton
Thomas Murray, age 1 – born circa 1900 in Hamilton
William was not born until 1902, Hamilton
Margaret not listed?

Death 1942 – James Murray died at 6.10pm on 24th June 1942 at 7 Barrack Street, Hamilton. Married to Margaret McHaffie. Aged 77 years. Cause of death – Cardio vascular degeneration, 3 years. Son of James Murray, farm labourer and Mary Murray ms Bell (Both deceased).
Certificate signed by son James Murray, 5 Thorndean Avenue, Bellshill. This was the oldest son and brother of my Grandfather Wiliam Murray.

Death 1962
– Margaret McHaffie Murray died aged 95 years in Hamilton Lanark. GROS Data reference 647/00 0284 (Unavailable for download).
This means Margaret was born around 1867? Who is this person? It cannot be Margaret McHaffie who married James Murray as she was 21 years old when they married in 1892 making her born in 187..... Ask relatives if they recall when their grandmother passed away.

Thomas Murray was killed in action during World War 1.

William Murray and Mary McMillan

1900 Birth Mary Murray born February? 1900 - died in 1976, aged 76 years

1902 Birth William Murray born 2nd April 1902 - died in 1975, aged 72 years

1924 Death certificate - Margaret Muir Crawford, died aged 1 of cardiac failure on 14th June 1924 at 10 Merryton Rows, Parish of Hamilton. Child of Mary Locke Crawford, Machinist in the Bolt Work. Certificate signed by David McMillan (occupier). This is Mary’s father.

1928 Marriage
William and Mary were married on 7th September 1928 at The Manor, Union Street, Hamilton
William, aged 26 years. (Born 1902) - Son of James Murray and Margaret McHaffie – 7 Barrack Street, Hamilton
Mary, aged 28 years (Born 1900) - Daughter of David McMillan and Margaret Crawford – Clyde Avenue, Ferniegair

Children of William Murray and Mary Locke Crawford McMillan

William Murray (deceased) – Married to Marie (deceased) - Had 1 child - David (deceased)

James Murray (deceased) Never married

Margaret Murray - Married to James Scully (deceased) – no children

David Murray - Married to Jemima Ashwood
Children - Margaret, Mary, Linda and David

John Murray (deceased 1973 aged 38 years) married to Agnes (Nancy) Kerr
Children - Margaret, William, Myra, Carol, Shirley and John

Duncan Murray - (deceased 1981) – Married to Margaret Batton
Children - Sandra, Stephen and Raymond

Robert Murray - (deceased 1986) – Married to Isobel Blackwood
Children - Gordon and Stuart

Thomas Murray - Married to Rosabel McStravock (Divorced 2 children) Children Anne and June, Re-married Etta (no children)

Cornelius Murray - (deceased) – Married to Margaret Barrie - Children - Lesley-Ann, Christine, Heather and Colin

Alec Murray -Unmarried