Saturday 18 April 2009

It's a small world after all!

In April 2008, after a visit to Mississippi USA, our friends asked us to help trace their Kelly family in Ireland. This got me started in the genealogy trail and after helping them trace ancestors I decided to start tracing the following families :
Ward in Hamilton – my husand’s father
Murray in Hamilton – my Dad’s father
Batton in Ayrshire/Ireland – my Mum’s father

Tracing the Ward family was easy as they remained in and around the Castle Street area of Hamilton. Known to most as the ‘Auld Toon’. My husband’s father was Graham Ward, son of Hugh and Jane Ward. Jane Ward died in May 1951 aged 70 years and I knew she was buried in the West Cemetery, Wellhall Road, Hamilton.
Tracing the Murray family was a little more difficult as this is a very common surname. I was able to trace my great grandparents. They arrived in Hamilton from Ireland and remained in/around Hamilton area. My great grandfather was James Murray and my great grandmother was Margaret McHaffie. The McHaffie family also arrived in Hamilton from Ireland.
On Saturday 18th April I decided to take my camera and go to the West Cemetery to see if I could locate the grave of Jane Ward. I knew she was buried in H section of this cemetery thanks to some documents I received from Richard Conway (a relative of Colin’s). I drove around for a while then found a map showing the different sections. I parked the car and walked around section H until I found Jane’s grave. Buried alongside Jane is her son Hugh who died in August 1955 aged 46 years.
I looked to the right at a gravestone which was lying at an angle ..... I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the names on the stone MURRAY and MCHAFFIE. I had just found the grave of my great grandparents. James Murray died in June 1942 aged 77 years and Margaret McHaffie died in December 1962 aged 95 years. How ironic that Colin’s grandmother and my great-grandmother are buried almost side by side.
Colin and I have lived in Hamilton for almost 49 and 46 years respectively. This is the first time I have visited West Cemetery and neither of us ever met any of these ancestors. They had all passed away before we were born.
It certainly goes to prove – it’s a small world!