Monday 26 April 2010

Crawford Family History

Links to the Crawford Family history on the right hand side of my blog page.
Had to split into 2 files as the file was too large to work with.

I plan to do the same for the Murray & McHaffie side of the family (my Di Murray's family).

Saturday 30 January 2010

John Murray (my Uncle)

Uncle Neil, Uncle Alex, William Murray and Uncle John Murray

Usual New Year photo - playing cards!
Uncle Jim Scully in background, Uncle John Murray at the right of the photo.

Friday 9 October 2009

Margaret & Bob McGarvey

Yesterday I spent time talking to my cousin Margaret, oldest child of my Uncle John and Aunt Nancy.

Here is Margaret's family information:-

Margaret Kerr Conner Murray born 21.10.56
Robert Warwick Robinson McGarvey born 15.07.52
16 April 1977

Victoria Margaret McGarvey born 20.01.78
married Craig MCGaffin on 18 September 2006

Robert Warwick McGarvey 13.03.80
engaged to Emma McFarlane (getting married 5 June 2010)

Keller Shaun McGarvey 10.09.1999. son of Robert
Step-Grandaught: Aimee Deane (daughter of Craig McGaffin)

Thursday 8 October 2009

David Murray (2 May 1933 - 1 October 2009)

I attended the funeral of my Dad's brother David Brown McMillan Murray today.
David passed away on Thursday 1st October, aged 76 years.
David was the older brother of my Dad and the 4th child of Mary Locke Crawford and William Murray.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Above top - my Dad's oldest brother William Murray with his wife Maria and baby son David.
Above - Wedding photograph of David Murray and his new bride Sandra.
David divorced Sandra and spent the later years with his new wife in Stonehouse, Lanarkshire.
David died of cancer.
My Uncle Willie moved to Perth, Scotland and died there circa 2000
My Aunt Maria died in Hamilton in circa 2006 (she had alzhiemers).

Thomas McMillan

This is Thomas McMillan, oldest son of my grandmother Mary Locke Crawford Murray.
Thomas died in World War 1. He was raised by his grandparents David and Margaret McMillan hence he was known as Thomas McMillan. He was actually my Dad's oldest brother.

The wee Murrays

This is my Uncles William, James and David (at front) and my Auntie Margaret
Taken outside their home in Barrack Street, Hamilton.